A Short Review Of The Hit TV Show Sopranos
If you weren't interested in The Sopranos when it was on, trust us: It's not just Goodfellas The Show, or Godfather The Series. It's worth a try, and thanks to tv and movie downloads, it's never too late to catch on.
The Sopranos isn't just a show about gangsters, it's a show about family, about the unpredictability of life, and most importantly, about the experience of being a human being in a world that throws you nothing but curveballs. The gangster trappings are only the backdrop of the show. The real focus is on Tony and his family and friends, and how they are affected by the life they've chosen.
Unlike the majority of the stories about gangsters, it's really not about the crime stuff at all. Obviously that's a big part of it, but it's not about these people as gangsters, it's about these gangsters as people. Everything that happens to these guys has, at one point or other, in some other form, happened to every one watching it. We've been betrayed and hurt and abandoned and loved, all of us.
Each season only brings more problems for the characters, just as every year brings more responsibilities into your lap.
You've heard about the ending. If you haven't, we'll try not to spoil it, but the whole idea of arguing about what it means is sort of behind the point. Life is full of worries and fears and problems, but it just keeps going, there's no finish line, you just try to do the best you can from day to day.
The show made some important innovations in televised storytelling, sort of as a reaction to reality TV. With fictional television becoming so predictable, people turned to reality TV, and so, to compete, David Chase decided to mix the unpredictability and realism of reality TV with the strong character and story development of fiction, resulting in a show that revolutionized TV and paved the way for shows like LOST and House M. D.
Don't go nuts trying to make sense of everything. The show is full of unanswered questions, and just as in life, you'll never figure it all out.
If the show has a moral to the story, it's simply that: Life is hard to figure out. You may not be a mafia Don, but you'll feel like you're right there with Tony Soprano through his struggles, because it's a very universal thing. Let the mafia serve as a metaphor for your new management position, or your attempts to keep your own family together, and you'll find some comfort in Tony's problems simply because, in the end, we really all go through this stuff, no matter who you are. Life is tricky, and we'll never figure it all out.
The Sopranos isn't just a show about gangsters, it's a show about family, about the unpredictability of life, and most importantly, about the experience of being a human being in a world that throws you nothing but curveballs. The gangster trappings are only the backdrop of the show. The real focus is on Tony and his family and friends, and how they are affected by the life they've chosen.
Unlike the majority of the stories about gangsters, it's really not about the crime stuff at all. Obviously that's a big part of it, but it's not about these people as gangsters, it's about these gangsters as people. Everything that happens to these guys has, at one point or other, in some other form, happened to every one watching it. We've been betrayed and hurt and abandoned and loved, all of us.
Each season only brings more problems for the characters, just as every year brings more responsibilities into your lap.
You've heard about the ending. If you haven't, we'll try not to spoil it, but the whole idea of arguing about what it means is sort of behind the point. Life is full of worries and fears and problems, but it just keeps going, there's no finish line, you just try to do the best you can from day to day.
The show made some important innovations in televised storytelling, sort of as a reaction to reality TV. With fictional television becoming so predictable, people turned to reality TV, and so, to compete, David Chase decided to mix the unpredictability and realism of reality TV with the strong character and story development of fiction, resulting in a show that revolutionized TV and paved the way for shows like LOST and House M. D.
Don't go nuts trying to make sense of everything. The show is full of unanswered questions, and just as in life, you'll never figure it all out.
If the show has a moral to the story, it's simply that: Life is hard to figure out. You may not be a mafia Don, but you'll feel like you're right there with Tony Soprano through his struggles, because it's a very universal thing. Let the mafia serve as a metaphor for your new management position, or your attempts to keep your own family together, and you'll find some comfort in Tony's problems simply because, in the end, we really all go through this stuff, no matter who you are. Life is tricky, and we'll never figure it all out.
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