The Downside of the Cartel in Education in the U.S.

By Betty Campbell

American civilization is currently under threat. Unfortunately, the danger is not as obvious as one would think, as in the case of terrorism. The greater menace is really the lowering standards provided by the public school education, which can be attributed to the education cartel. The effects have far-reaching consequences and in fact cannot be easily quantified.

This issue is not new, as most parents, concerned public officials, and even a simple observer, can see that the public school system is performing way below expectations. The results are not surprising - depressing test outcomes in math and reading, pervasive corruption, and a most difficult process of removal of teachers who have poor performance, among others. The logical conclusion is that the U.S. will soon have a work force that is ill equipped to be efficient members of the society.

One of the more notable problems with regard to the education in cartel is the tenure that most public school teachers enjoy, irrespective of whether or not they are doing well in school. This is a classic case becoming a breeding ground for mediocre academic personnel.

This situation is not helped by the fact that the education cartel seem to be more intent on gaining more power than in looking out for the interests of the students. This struggle for greater power is highlighted in the recent veto by the Governor in Florida, Charlie Crist, a Senate candidate, of the bill that would tie teachers' compensation with performance.

In this regard, cartel in education has been a major player in the derailing the dismissal process for undeserving teachers. Its power is duly recognized such that the termination of employment of all teachers and staff in Central Falls, R.I. has caused major shock waves. It really makes one stop and take stock of what is going on in the public school system.

It is sad though that any criticism thrown at the public school system is taken to mean that the system as a whole has nothing to recommend itself as well as its teachers. It is not true though. It must be taken to account that recognition is accorded to those such is due. Among them is Beverly Jones. She was acclaimed because she had the courage to expose rampant corruption on Trenton. It is a case where ghost employees were maintained and continuously receive salary and many students were held back in order to develop a repeaters' program.

Addressing the problem is a must. There is no time to waste. Knowing the unpleasant effect of further enabling the education cartel makes it necessary for changes to be implemented. There are already proposal for alternatives, such as charter and voucher schools. Since they are new, the changes they will bring about is still uncertain. Nevertheless, competition must be promoted so as to break the cartel in education.

By strengthening competition in the system, it is expected that the cartel in education would raise the bar and start making changes - all towards the benefits of the students. There would be more choices available for parents and students. Teachers would also be encouraged to improve themselves. The good effects on students would translate to a better future for all.

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