Tips on How to Avoid Headshot Scams
Every budding movie, TV or theater actor needs to have a model composite sheet to jumpstart a career in the business. It basically serves as your introduction and resume as well. With a good headshot, you can establish a memorable first impression with the agent or casting director. It is the marketing tool for every actor, experienced or not. A basic headshot is a black and white photo of the face with a 8" x 10" dimension.
Even if you have the looks, you would need an equally good photographer to get the perfect headshot. With the advancement of digital imaging, there are now a lot of photographers in the business. You should also know that scam artists are on the prowl for unwary greenhorns. Even if you are new to the field, there's no reason for you to fall prey to headshot scams.
You can always avoid getting yourself into so much trouble by getting a good, reliable and decent photographer. Research and ask other actors and teachers for suggestions and recommendations. Your licensed talent agency has photographers too; and they were chosen because they have the knowledge and skill to give you a top-notch composite.
You should know that photographers help the actor in revealing the personality even with just a headshot. A good photographer should collaborate, not berate. He or she will mark those strong test shots and will also encourage you to have the shots reviewed by a teacher or agent. The photographer should never insist on selecting the headshot for you.
The photographer should never boldly put his or her name over your headshot because you have paid for it as a marketing tool. You own the photo, not the photographer. There will be some editing done to enhance the headshot but it shouldn't go overboard. There's no need to over-glamorize yourself with just a headshot.
You might want to start backing off if the photographer has an unbelievably small fee for the whole session. Good photographers charge around $300 to $700 and any lower or higher than this range is already quite questionable. Make sure that you meet with the photographer in a professional environment, not a restaurant or coffee shop.
Just to be on the safe side, bring a few friends with you on the set, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. If you are completely alone, you might end up getting ripped off or harassed. There is safety in numbers and get a few people to back you up. Some photographers who wouldn't mind having someone else sitting in on the set.
Scams are still rampant in the acting business and a lot of people end up spending thousands of dollars on useless, knock-off headshots. You should know that there is no short-cut in making it big in the industry. With a little effort and determination, you can make your career blossom with a pretty good headshot.
Even if you have the looks, you would need an equally good photographer to get the perfect headshot. With the advancement of digital imaging, there are now a lot of photographers in the business. You should also know that scam artists are on the prowl for unwary greenhorns. Even if you are new to the field, there's no reason for you to fall prey to headshot scams.
You can always avoid getting yourself into so much trouble by getting a good, reliable and decent photographer. Research and ask other actors and teachers for suggestions and recommendations. Your licensed talent agency has photographers too; and they were chosen because they have the knowledge and skill to give you a top-notch composite.
You should know that photographers help the actor in revealing the personality even with just a headshot. A good photographer should collaborate, not berate. He or she will mark those strong test shots and will also encourage you to have the shots reviewed by a teacher or agent. The photographer should never insist on selecting the headshot for you.
The photographer should never boldly put his or her name over your headshot because you have paid for it as a marketing tool. You own the photo, not the photographer. There will be some editing done to enhance the headshot but it shouldn't go overboard. There's no need to over-glamorize yourself with just a headshot.
You might want to start backing off if the photographer has an unbelievably small fee for the whole session. Good photographers charge around $300 to $700 and any lower or higher than this range is already quite questionable. Make sure that you meet with the photographer in a professional environment, not a restaurant or coffee shop.
Just to be on the safe side, bring a few friends with you on the set, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. If you are completely alone, you might end up getting ripped off or harassed. There is safety in numbers and get a few people to back you up. Some photographers who wouldn't mind having someone else sitting in on the set.
Scams are still rampant in the acting business and a lot of people end up spending thousands of dollars on useless, knock-off headshots. You should know that there is no short-cut in making it big in the industry. With a little effort and determination, you can make your career blossom with a pretty good headshot.
About the Author:
Understanding a career in modeling with Ave Models scam prevention tips. Learn how Avenue Productions can help you avoid a scam in show biz.
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