Successful Film Trilogies Throughout The Years Which Are Unforgettable

By Antonia Philips

Certain movies are great. Certain movies are so great, that they call for a sequel. In the event that the 2nd film does not ruin the first, or manages to make a ton of money, studios will occasionally call for a third film to be made. In recent years, this has become more commonplace, but it has not always been this way.

But that is not to say there have not been some fantastic trilogies over the years. Here are some of the greatest ones.

Raiders Of The Lost Ark, The Temple Of Doom and Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade were three films released in the 80s that helped shaped action movies today. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Harrison Ford? Yes.

Even if you are not a fan of fantasy, The Lord Of The Rings films have something for everyone. The character of Gollum in itself was a revolution in CGI. Apparently there is a set of Hobbit films in the works as well.

Also starring Harrison Ford is the Star Wars Saga. The first three Star Wars films have grossed over a billion dollars and has led to several spin offs. The films were so successful that over thirty years later, George Lucas could not resist making another set (albeit less successful) of Star Wars films.

Yes, The Godfather films make the list as well. The Corleone family has a special place in the hearts of film enthusiasts. The first two films are Francis Ford Coppolla's masterpieces (along with Apocalypse Now).

Finally, I have to include the Pirates Of The Caribbean trilogy. No, I am not a major fan of these films, but any series that can be spawned off of a Disney ride and gross over a billion dollars makes the cut.

With so many superhero films constantly being released, there will no doubt be more trilogies in years to come. But will any live up to these aforementioned movie trilogies? Maybe Avatar.

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